Our Future Our Family Program Expectations
To encourage these positive behaviors, we would like to reward those scholars who meet or exceed our expectations. Every day at the beginning of each session the Mentor or an adult instructor will check your scholar’s assignment notebook. If it is complete, your scholar will earn a point. Also, at this time, the Mentor or an adult instructor will check that your scholar has the supplies needed to complete the homework. If your scholar is prepared, he or she will earn another point. Your scholar may also earn points for being positive, respectful, and kind to staff, peers, and volunteers and for working quietly. In addition, your scholar can earn points for weekly grade checks as follows: 4 points for an A+, 3 points for an A, 2 points for a B, 1 point for a C. There will be a reward day each week when your scholar may cash in points for a prize, or save them to add to new points for another prize day. Our hope is that this reward system will help motivate your scholar to do his or her best and to also feel proud about their hard work and effort.
In the event that your scholar is having a difficult time meeting the program expectations, the following behavior plan will be implemented to help create the best possible environment for your scholar and the other scholars in the program.
Our goal is to provide a supportive environment for all scholars. Please be assured that every effort will be made by staff to encourage positive choices by your scholar, and all staff members hope to work with you to create the best possible experience for your scholar at the After School Program. Thank you for your support and the opportunity to work with your scholar during the ______ school year.
Program Director & Staff
(please sign, detach and return)
I _________________________(print name of parent/guardian) understand and support the above expectations and behavior plan for my child___________________________(print name of scholar). I will direct my child to adhere to the above-mentioned expectations at all times. I understand that not following these expectations can result in program dismissal.
Signature __________________________________________Date ______________________